Well, it looks as if the web site is progressing and I think I’ve got the Contact Us form working properly. I hope you are enjoying the stamps I’ve been offering; I’ve got several thousand more in my stock and will continue each week. Please keep in mind that even though I might have several listings for a particular country or area, EACH LOT WILL BE DIFFERENT. There most likely will be duplication between lots, but within each lot there (hopefully) will be no duplication. If you DO find a duplicate - sorry, I tried!
I’ve also tried to remove damaged stamps - those with tears or deep creases. You may come across some stamps having bent corner perfs, but nothing egregious. Again - I tried my best…
This week I’ve got eight stamp lots up for bid. You’ll find lots for Canada, Norway, Finland, France, Philippines, British Commonwealth, general foreign, and Princess Diana. These lots will come to a close on this coming Saturday evening.